
Group: Helden wider Willen e.V.

  • About the Project

This Strategic Partnership is aimed at supporting the exchange of good practices and innovative methods in the field of applying arts for social change between the three partner organizations. By doing so, the partners will strengthen their human capacities and will increase their ability to address different social issues with new target groups. Direct benefit from the project will have the youth workers, youth leaders and artists from each of the organizations, while indirectly the project will benefit the target group of each partner, as well as the wider local communities.

Furthermore, the project has a potential to reach organizations beyond the partnership and to promote the application of arts as innovative approach in addressing social issues. To achieve that, the organizations will establish a web portal where the project results will be shared. Short videos presenting the artistic approaches of each partner will also be prepared and widely distributed.


Created on: 11/17/2021
Last updated on: 11/17/2021

  • Contact

Project administrator:  Ariane Jedlitschka

Here you can send a message to the admins.
If you want to send your message to the project chat, you have to turn directly to the project.

  • ART FOR SOCIAL CHANGE: Open Call für die Mobilität nach Belgien vom

Partner: muzeeum (Oostende, Belgien)
Künstlerische und kulturelle Arbeit mit Menschen mit körperlichen und geistigen Einschränkungen
23.1./28.1.2022 An- und Abreisetage

  1. bis 27.1.2022 Aktivitäten
  • News