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  • About the Project

Connecting people and communities, creating a global gift-economy: a culture of trust and support
ecobasa is a directory of sustainable communities and ecovillages and individuals looking for alternative ways of living. They can find each other to join existing communities or to form new ones. people can ask to help with their special skills and learn even more in return for food and accomodationecobasa offers the technology for communication, collaboration and the exchange of experiences, knowledge, skills, services and ressources.
All members offer their gifts without expectations for them to be returned directly. They may recieve what they whish for from someone else, though. Positive references build trust into the network and the people. Responsible relationships are emerging where people get to know their needs and qualities.
ecobasa is a directory of sustainable communities and ecovillages, where you can ask to help with your special skills and learn even more in return for food and accomodation.You can find special places and people and see their references.ecobasa offers the technology for communication and the exchange of experience, knowledge services and resources - based on trust, not money.We dont want to create just another platform, but an open technology, that other networks can use in their own systems.We need you to make it work, so join the network!

Tags: Peer Economy, gift-economy, community, self-sustainability, ecovillage, self-organisation
Topics: Mobility, Energy, Environment and Nature Protection, Education and Communication, Health, Nutrition, Consumption, and Agriculture, Money and Finance, Construction and Living

Related Projects/Groups: GEN D | LK


Created on: 05/04/2018
Last updated on: 05/04/2018

  • Contact

Project administrator:  Arne Bollinger

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  • News