We are Community Funded. Help us!

How high are our Monthly Expenses?

We have broken down the costs for our platform wechange.de for you. We need €7,370 per month for an ad-free, secure and technically reliable platform. At the moment we cannot even cover the basic costs with community contributions. So the wechange eG has to contribute money every month that is missing elsewhere (for example for the further development of the platform).

We need Your Contribution!

Currently, almost 700 users support wechange.de with their monthly contributions. That's just over 1% of the registered users and 7% of the active community. In order to be able to offer and develop the platform independently, we depend on income. We need more shoulders to carry wechange.de. We are currently missing 843 users, each of whom pays €4 to cover our costs.

Recommended Price

To use wechange.de, you pay what is fair and feasible for you. We provide everyone with an ad-free, data-secure and sustainable platform and in return we ask for a monthly fee. This is freely selectable and can be changed monthly. No subscriptions or hidden costs. Recommending a suitable fee for you is not easy because we do not know your financial situation. Nevertheless, we would like to give you three guidelines that you can use as a guide.

Budget 4 € / month
Every contribution counts. Thank you!

Standard 7 € / month
This amount ensures operations and further development. We give you a thumbs up!

Supporter 10 € / month
With this contribution you support our idea of creating a platform for everyone, regardless of their income. A big heart to you!

The wechange.de platform is not financed by advertising or the sale of data, but by its users. Your contribution ensures that you can use carefully selected tools in an ad-free environment that are hosted on German servers powered by green electricity and are GDPR compliant. Since we all have different amounts of money at our disposal, we rely on a solidary payment model where you can adapt your contribution to your financial situation. >>>> Good idea, I support that!

If you only want to pay once and need an invoice, please use our form here: wechange.de/cms/einmalzahlung

Behind every software there are people who develop it, maintain it and make it available. Some costs for the wechange.de platform are, for example:

  • Salary for employees who do support, administration, development, communication, maintenance, etc. to create and continue to maintain the infrastructure
  • Rent for sustainable servers to host the platform
  • Hardware costs
  • Rent for office space
  • Administrative costs such as accounting costs, account management fees, etc.

>>>> It's great that you pay your employees fairly and pay attention to sustainability. You have my input!

Every organization should build up reserves in order to have a buffer in times of crisis or for larger investments. The larger this buffer, the more resilient the organization is. With a large buffer, we are able to act more freely and implement projects more quickly. We currently calculate with usual 5% per month - but we are happy about every euro that can go into our protective layer. Since we are a cooperative and do not work for profit and wechange eG is 100% owned by its members, personal enrichment is out of the question!

If you don't pay anything to use software, the operators must have a different business model, e.g. by placing advertisements or selling your data. That's exactly what we don't do. In addition, we pay attention to the sustainable operation and free further development of the platform. To keep it that way, we need your contribution.

How does wechange eG finance itself?

Our solidary payment model: We see wechange.de as a common good and have therefore established a solidarity pricing model: individual users and organizations pay what they think wechange.de is worth to them. Only with your contributions can we provide this platform and make the Internet better every day: solidarity, ad-free, sustainable and data secure!

Our portal customers (see wechange.coop): Organizations and cities/regions can operate their own community portals on the basis of wechange.de. Portal customers pay a one-time setup fee for setting up portals and customizations for special requests, as well as a monthly license fee for running costs. In addition, our portal customers jointly finance many new features that they themselves consider useful, thus ensuring that your user experience with wechange.de keeps getting better.

Mitwirk-O-Mat (see mitwirk-o-mat.de): In addition to wechange.de and community portals, we also offer the Mitwirk-O-Mat, a playful engagement matching tool for cities and regions. Together with municipalities and volunteer agencies, we have already brought the Mitwirk-O-Mat to more than 30 locations across Germany.