Looking for artists and curators to join the arts for the future festival ->

The “Arts for the Future” Festival, powered by the United Nations Civil Society Conference's Arts & Culture ImPACT Coalition and Working Group will be organizing an artist-led, global hybrid festival leading up to and beyond the United Nations Summit of the Future including the UN General Assembly and Climate Week NYC.
The festival is essential to re-envision and transform the role of arts and culture in sustainable development. This festival aims to create a more representative, fair, inclusive, and sustainable ecosystem for artists and creative practitioners to lead and be represented.
It addresses the urgent need to change outdated systems that currently limit the impact and potential of the arts sector.
Deadlines to Remember:
Curator Submission Deadline: August 31
Artist Partnership Requests Deadline: August 31
Artist Roster Deadline: August 31
We created a workingspace on Wechange Palttform: https://wechange.de/project/arts-for-the-future... feel free to join.

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    1. 4 Comment
  • Sandra Prüfer

    Dear JH, thanks for your comment & links. I'm based in Bonn & we're supporting the festival with some creative events & local artivism action in Germany's UN city (host city of UNFCCC secretariat) and inviting artists & creative minds across Germany & Europe to join us. This WeChange Arts for Future Festival support group is works in progess. We can also create a pad in German to collect ideas, available artwork and resources. Unfortunately, the Artists for Future Germany have no website or other online platform, just a FB group. FYI, there are also plans under way for a series or events in Nairobi (host city of the UN Environmental Programme) and a Pan-African Climate Caravan. The caravan was kicked off this week in Nairobi. Organisers are also planning to show selected artwork from across the globe will also be shown during the festival & NYC Climate Week on a screen on Times Square.

  • JH

    Wie Du siehst bin ich in gleichen Kontexten . . . .
    ...wollte sagen: Wie wir wissen ist die Frage, nicht was wir wissen; Denn: Kultur ist nicht nur die Kunst as Masters of Art. Ich empfehle Christoph Bals bzw. Klima-Allianz in Bonn und ihre Arbeit dazu, sowie Hildegard Kurt und Andreas Weber mit in der sozialen Plastik ein zubeziehen.

    http://Ego2eco.de = Es ist hier zumeist völlig ausreichend was da sein will ...auch ohne shity X (:...von dort ist zumindest aktiv der Weg, in reale oder bessere Kontexte zu leiten nötig;)

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