

Group: Resilienz_Aachen

  • About the Project

Kids for Water

Water will be one of your big problems in future. No, that is wrong, water is one of
the biggest problems now! How can that be? It is raining all day, here in northern
Europe, maybe very heavy, but water is not short at all! — So you think here, but it is
not true! And every kid knows that in countries like Uruguay, South Africa or parts of
Asia. Climate change has changed the possibility to get to fresh water. And it is your
generation who will suffer in future! That must not be so, so let's start to solve that

How can we do that? There are some steps and we start with the first one: to get
information! On our website you find a platform to write of the water problem. It does
not matter where you live, no matter how old you are ( but be a kid) , no matter which
experience you have made, no matter how good or bad your English, but write in
English, because that is the language you need to communicate with kids of other

And that is what we want: communicate with kids all over the world! Write for other
kids on that website:

  • about your handling with water
  • about information you have read about water
  • about what you want to ask other kids who live in regions where water is short
  • about what you want to ask other kids who live in regions where water is not short (yet)
  • about books or articles you have read about shortage of water
  • about holidays where you have seen lakes without much water
  • about your information how much water the production of food needs
  • about proposals to reduce the use of water
  • and so on.....

Write about one page, you can integrate pictures. Inform about your mail-address,
maybe you find some friends by that way.

Help to work for the greatest website of kids about the subject water! And when many
many kids know of that problem the first step to a better future for you is done! It is
your future, be active — and have fun by writing!

Tags: Wasser
Topics: Environment and Nature Protection

Related Projects/Groups: 1.Impulswoche Nachhaltigkeit+Festtag in Aachen, AK_Bildung_fuer_nachhaltige_Entwicklung_BNE, AK_Fairtrade_Weltladen, BEQUANA, GlobalGoals-Sternmarsch-Aachener-Schulen, Resilienz_Aachen


Created on: 06/17/2024
Last updated on: 06/17/2024

  • Contact


Project administrator:  Franco Pezzolla , Detlef Baer

Here you can send a message to the admins.
If you want to send your message to the project chat, you have to turn directly to the project.

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