Registration is now open (until Sept. 6) for the Summit of the Future Action Days (Sept. 20-21) in New York

Ahead of the UN Summit of the Future, the Secretary-General of the United Nations is convening the Summit of the Future Action Days on 20 and 21 September 2024 at the UN Headquarters in New York to generate additional opportunities for the engagement of all actors.

The Action Days are open to all interested stakeholders and representatives of organizations whose work has been relevant in shaping, and/or to the implementation of, the Pact for the Future.

Registration of participants will be held exclusively through a dedicated INDICO Form. If you do not have an INDICO account, you can set it up here

Interested participants must check the criteria below and register participants using this form only:

Registration opens: 12 August 2024
Registration closes: 6 September 2024

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