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Free Academic Space - FAS


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  • About the Project

FAS is a space for free thinkers and lovers of knowledge to learn and grow and share and create.
A platform to exchange, to discuss anr to inspire a flux of creativity, ideas and positive growth. Finding a common narrative by connecting topics and humans across disciplins and across space. Giving students the possibility to teach and professors the space to learn.
The overall aim is to facilitate the emergence of the world that our hearts know is possible.
FAS is here to co-empower us.
We virtually gather the first Sunday of each month at 4.20 pm.

Tags: transdisciplinary, online-community, Philosophie uva., soziale Beschleunigung, education, commons, the universe and everything, Connectedness, Universität, Teaching, connection, Inspiration, connectedAwareness, uni, ConnectedPeople, Europa-Universiät
Topics: Education and Communication, Art, Culture und Leisure Activities


Created on: 01/04/2021
Last updated on: 01/05/2021

  • Contact

Project administrator:  Sergej , Miho M.

Here you can send a message to the admins.
If you want to send your message to the project chat, you have to turn directly to the project.

  • Pads
  • Sergej Vortragsideen Sammeln
  • News