• until 12:00 o'clock (Europe/Berlin)

  • The Ecovillage Design Education is a comprehensive course in Integrative Whole Systems Design for Sustainability. It is certified by GAIA Education and an official contribution to the United Nation's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

    It is organised as a mandala that we call the sustainability wheel, encompassing what we perceive to be the four primary dimensions of human experience – Worldview, Ecological, Social and Economic aspects.

    Creating a Transformative Culture, is an evolving inquiry which asks:
    “What is called for now?” – It is an invitation to be ready for the unknown, to be prepared for the changes that lie ahead.

    We have heard: "Be the change you want to see in the world!”

    And we ask: "How do we do that?"

    We invite you to join in this amazing 34 Days learning journey from Jan 22th to Feb 24th 2018!

    For that journey, we learn:

    • Tools for Personal Transformation, Empowerment, and Leadership.
    • Skills for Collective Processes for community building, participatory group decision making and conflict resolution.
    • Basics in Permaculture Design: Ecological food production, natural building, the importance of forests
    • Basics in Economics: What is money, how to fundraise, finance planning

    We offer direct experience in a supportive learning environment to practice collective skills. Within the four weeks you will lead or be part of a project group, where concrete projects are founded or further developed and presented at the end of the course. In these groups you have the opportunity to apply immediately the elements and tools you have learned in each of the four dimensions.

    In the last days of the course we will be joined by our extended EDE family of the years 2016 and 2017 to co–create an "Advanced Course" with Open Space Technology: A Collaborative Inquiry into the New Paradigm.

    The Journey starts soon, and there's still time to apply. If money is a major issue for you, there might even be the possibility of funding. We invite you to find your balance point of what your contribution to this journey will be and talk to us!

    To know more and apply visit our homepage or facebook page and do not hesitate to contact us for any question.

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