• from 18:00 until 21:00 o'clock (Europe/Berlin)

    • COVID-19 regulations will be followed. Please bring a mask & proof of a negative Covid-19 test result no older than 24hrs. There will be various hygiene stations. Make sure to register on Eventbrite to reserve your ticket — space is limited!! Only those with tickets will be allowed in at the venue. *

    **REGISTRATION: https://www.eventbrite.ie/e/feeding-berlin-5-ho...

    As consumers, we make choices every day about the type of food we eat and as such, about the type of food system we support.

    Our current food system is not sustainable. Food production alone makes up somewhere between 20 to 30 % of all greenhouse gas emissions worldwide, and this number is getting higher every year. While many of these issues are systemic, there are still ways that folks - especially those of us living in cities - can contribute to a more resilient food system.

    You have probably heard by now that we should “eat less meat, eat local, seasonal, organic”. Beyond the vegan steak from your local bio shop, there are other ways of rethinking our diets. From age-old practices like fermentation and foraging of wild species to novel food made approachable, we will explore in this #FeedingBerlin event some practical ways in which we can alter our diets in order to limit our impact on the environment.

    The event will be a mix of discussions and hands-on “learning stations”. Come and join us for a taste of climate-conscious food!

    Special thanks to Edible Alchemy for hosting us!!


    Alexis - Edible Alchemy

    Tash - AdvantGarden Life

    Benedicte & Oriante - Benoo

    Nina Carryer - RESTLOS GLÜCKLICH e.V.


    19:00 Doors & Networking

    19:30 Welcome & introductions from GreenBuzz

    19:40 Short inputs from each speaker

    20:00 Wandering workshops: time to wander around and talk with speakers one-on-one at their station to learn more about what they do and how you can do it yourself. There will also be the opportunity to try some yummy climavore-esque treats!

    20:40 Check in and discussion

    21:10 Quick pitches

    21:15 Networking & Drinks

    22:00 End


    There will be a quick pitch session toward the end of the event which gives you the opportunity to present your project/organisation/company/idea in 1 minute. Interested in a slot? Go to our this event page on our website to sign up!

    --> https://greenbuzzberlin.de/event/feeding-berlin...

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