• until (all day) (Europe/Berlin)

  • Das besondere Event! Bis zu 500 Menschen aus über 30 Ländern aus der Ökodörfbewegung und ihre FreundInnen kommen jedes Jahr zu einer Konferenz zusammen - jedes Jahr in einem anderen europäischen Land. Dieses Jahr findet die Konferenz in Schweden statt unter dem Thema: Living the future today. Solidarity. Resilience. Hope.

    Meet the people that walk their talk - join us and be part of our movement!

    Erlebe eine volle Woche Inspiration mit einem bunten Programm aus Workshops, Open Spaces und Impulsvorträgen u.a. von Charles Eisenstein und Helena Norberg-Hodge.

    In an era of uncertain ecological and political futures, Robert Hall, GEN Europe’s Council President, invites you to “come and network with Europe’s grassroots change-makers. Join us to explore ways to live a richer life while being of greater service to humanity and the planet ”.

    It is an invitation to come together and connect – to ourselves, to each other, to the world and to spirit. From that place let´s share solutions and create possibilities for “the more beautiful world our hearts know is possible”. We envision the conference to be a birthplace for initiatives and exciting ideas – a hub for projects for a better world.

    Together we will explore communal living topics such as the sharing economy and social currencies, food sovereignty, renewable energies, non-violent communication, group facilitation, governance models, collective and consensual decision making, bio-architecture and ecological activism. And of course there will be many community bonding activities, complemented by morning activities centering to get into our lovely bodies as well as concerts, dance and music in the evenings. There will be plenty of opportunities for networking; it´s simply the best place to meet Ecovillagers from all over Europe!

    1. 1 Comments
  • Martin Tino Horack

    Cool... da wäre ich auch gerne... Living the future today ist auch ein toller Slogan! Wir haben jetzt "Lernort für gelebte Zukunft"
    LG Tino