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  • 17:30 o'clock until 18:00 o'clock (Europe/Berlin)

  • Vom 2. bis zum 4. November findet in Berlin Moabit ein Workshop von Kelly Bryson statt, einem bekannten Gesicht der amerikanischen Gemeinschaftsbewegung. Er zeigt mit einfachen Spielen und Übungen, wie die alten Naturvölker gelernt haben, ihre Gemeinschaften auf Ehrlichkeit, Nähe und Vertrauen aufzubauen.

    Der Workshop beginnt am Freitag um 17.30 und endet am Sonntagabend gegen 18 Uhr. Die Unkosten betragen 25€ pro Person und zusätzlich wird es auf dem Workshop die Möglichkeit zur Spende geben.

    Falls ihr Interesse habt, schreibt mir bitte an!

    Tribal Technologies for a New Earth


    Imagine your "Longing" for "Belonging" satisfied!
    Imagine your "Sense of Separation" replaced by connection.
    Imagine community without FEAR, based on Trust.
    Imagine communication without violence, based on vulnerability
    Imagine a global community of people who aspired, conspired and
    perspired to create a mental, spiritual, sensual paradise.

    Tribal Technologies for individual, organizational and cultural
    transformation for a New Earth - together with Kelly Bryson (

    We will use humor, play, experiential exercises, (involving light
    touch, gentle eye gazing, deep verbal exercises, dance) and info to give a glimpse into a world your heart knows is possible. We will learn about starting our own Trusting, Touching, Transformational, Transparent, Toe Tapping TRIBES in our regions.

    The Past is but history, the Future is a mystery, but the Present is a present, that’s why it is called the Present.

    We will use Tribal Technologies by Kelly Bryson to learn how to
    generate presence in this Present Now and synergy in the formation of group energy fields, also know as F.R.E.D. (Frequency Resonance Energy Dynamic) We will also borrow tools and wisdom from other modalities like Nonviolent Communication, The Zegg Forum, Biodanza, Sacred Economics, Laws of Manifestation - Abraham Hicks, Next Cuture, The Power of Now - E. Tolle, Mindfulness, HAI, Human Awareness Institute Thomas Hubl, Sharing the Presence etc., Getting Real w/Susan Campbell

    ❂ Agenda ❂
    Fr 17:00 - 21:30 Introduction to Tribal Technologies
    Sat 10:00 - 18:00 including a 1.5hr lunch break.
    Sun 10:00 - 18:00 including a 1.5hr lunch break.

    There will be a lunch break from 13:00 until 14:30. We might cook at the venue, but there are also options to get lunch closeby.

    On Saturday night from 19.30 we will have a creative event at the venue in the form of an improv theatre, a dancing session or similar. Think of it as applied community building =)

    ❂ About Kelly Bryson ❂
    Kelly Bryson MA, MFT. Author, Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist, Certified Nonviolent Communication Trainer for over 25 years, author of the best selling book, "Don't be Nice, Be Real - Balancing Passion for Self with Compassion for Others”, Zegg Forum facilitator, New Culture Community Starter/Builder, Originator of “Tribal Technologies”, keynote speaker, (for National Montessori, Association for Global New Thought)

    ❂ Costs ❂
    Cost: 25€ Upfront + Sacred Economy Exchange

    Please note: Kelly lives life and finances according to a certain Sacred Economics, which is not just “by donation” or “barter”, but instead a sort of “Gift Economy”. What it looks like in a workshop is that the organizers figure out what our hard costs are, for room rental, food, advertising, insurance, transportation for Kelly etc,. We add it all up and then divide by the number of people attending the workshop. So if we had $100 in hard costs, if we had 10 people, each person’s share would be $10. And then after this we are requesting that you look into your hearts and your bank account and give what ever makes you joyful to give. (Please give no money from fear, shame, duty, obligation, expectations guilt) Please know that what you give will make it financially possible for the next people, or more and more other people to come.

    Please register by sending an E-Mail to

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