UnaVision Oderbruch

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  • About the Group

UnaVision Oderbruch ist eine Lerngemeinschaft für nachhaltiges Leben. Wir haben als gemeinnützige Genossenschaft vor drei Jahren den Gutshof Herzershof 90 km östlich von Berlin erworben und renovieren diesen.
Unser Ziel ist es im ländlichen Raum eine "Miniaturwelt" mit allen Lebensbereichen aufzubauen in der Teilnehmer gemeinsam lernen und arbeiten.

We, the UnaVision initiative, are looking for organizations, communities, and initiatives to form a learning partnership to share experiences, challenges, knowledge, and conduct projects together. Our objective is to co-develop and prototype best practice examples in rural areas for resilient sustain¬able living. This can include among others social entrepreneurships, permaculture environment, food production and processing, learning facilities, health services, circular economies, construction with natural materials and more. The communities should work cross-cultural, cross-generational, cross sectoral including specifically people with lesser opportunities.
In a nutshell, we aim to prototype miniature worlds in rural areas,
which encompass all aspects of life while working, learning, and living together.
People can become participants for several weeks, months or stay permanently.
UnaVision specific core elements are:

  1. to develop and use Transformative Learning Processes and share patterns of sustainable living.
  2. That individuals and teams within the initiative wish to lead a conscious life, working on the question “what do I really, really like to do with my life for myself, society and natur.
  3. Share the experience and insights within the community and the UnaVision network.
  4. Use a “Sociocratic System” as structure and decision-making approach.
    Networking can happen through regular internet conferences, work with online knowledge sharing, conduct visits to each other, form partnerships for funded projects and support each other.

Tags: Gemeinschaft, Postwachstum, Permakultur, Transition, Mustersprachen, Transformatives Lernen
Topics: Energy, Education and Communication, Health, Construction and Living

Related Projects/Groups: UnaVillage Oderbruch


Created on: 04/15/2021
Last updated on: 04/15/2021

  • Contact

Group administrator:  Johannes , Frauke Thiel

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If you want to send your message to the group chat, you have to turn directly to the group.

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