

Group: Wandelbündnis

News posts
  • About the Project

This is a Group of map-users and developers about map-interoperability, federated databasis and APIs between plattforms.

The newest Concept is called "Linked open Actors" (LoA) and can be found here: http://linkedopenactors.org/

Little Overview about Mapping Transformation: https://blog.vonmorgen.org/en/mapping-transform...

System integrators are faced with fast evolving APIs and protocols when they try to discover and connect systems and make search more easy. We will develop a generic master-master replication framework of metadata enriched data sets on top of the Activity Pub protocol. This way we would like to overcome the federation solutions available on the level of database replication only or specialised for file or message synchronisation. We will be looking at more flexible propagation mechanisms and add conflict resolution schemes.

For secure and un-biased search and discovery we would like to leave the harvesting-by-bots path commonly used with search engines. Instead, we are aiming at replicating public data with federating platforms and let the providers of each platform use their built-in search and navigation tool. This way, we will gain reliability and independence. The data sets need to be up-to-date (not old, not doubled). We wil try to achieve this with a lazy check mechanism in the replication procedure.

All meta data enriched map projects we have seen so far (such as transformap, yellowOSM, kartevonmorgen, TREEDAY …) may offer an API, but not a concept for master-master replication. Happily the consortium of GIP (the Austrian geographical maps consortium) has know-how in aligning maps with several data sources. They are interested to share experiences with OpenLR and semantic supported conflict resolution mechanisms in this project, so we will be interviewing them and let them test our methods.

Several platforms allow replication, but usually they are to be configured in a master-slave style, such as Mongo DB replica sets. But what our partners and the users want in the application scenarios sketched in this proposal is a non-hierarchical, friction free access to data sets, no matter where they are stored, and being able to edit them (if the permission framework allows to do so). When you look around you find solutions like StrongLoop by IBM, an Open Source JavaScript library, but it is limited to connect mobile clients reliably to a master data source. Finding a more generic approach to this cloud computing challenge requires some more prototyping and testing.

> English Version from https://fairmove.it/fairsync/

German Version

Ein Service, der über verschiedenartige Plattformen, Organisationen, Profile und Events vernetzt und austauscht.

> FridaysForFutue, WeChange, Transition Towns or Extinction Rebellion: they all have their own maps, calendars and news – but not synchronised. The goal of the FairSync project is to simplify discovery and search of activity hubs, events, and activity feeds. The target group of our efforts are platform integrators, which run maps with locations, host events and offer news feeds. The demand is huge and of priority at fairmove.IT, a network of cloud and IT solution providers servicing climate change and sustainability organisations and activists.

Der Dienst hat selbst kein Frontend, ist für den User somit unsichtbar. Er bietet eine API und für Service-Nutzer ein Backend, über welchen jede Organisation autonom entscheiden kann, welche Daten sie mit welcher Plattform teilen möchte oder nicht. Transition-Connect fördert die Vernetzung zwischen Gleichgesinnten und vereinfacht zugleich den Datenaustausch und das Aktuellhalten der Daten über verschiedene Plattformen hinweg.

Zu dem Projekt gibt es eine Geschichte seit 2014 und die namen haben stets gewandelt:

  • 2014 TransforMap http://transformap.co/
  • 2017 Transition Connect (von Wandel.jetzt)
  • 2018 Commons API (Velogistics)
  • 2019 GoodDB (mit Future eG)
  • 2018 fairSync
  • (wechange-Intern weconnect)

Heute arbeitet besonders Fairkom und Fred an der Standard-Definition. Various concepts have been discussed since 2017. The swiss initiative Transition Connect followed a hierarchical approach but got stuck in a Proof-of-Concept phase. Transition initiatives have been planning a solution in fairkom’s gitlab which is close to the FairSync approach. We have agreed in summer 2019 to collaborate and if the FairSync funding is successful we will be approaching relevant platform integrators and try to join forces.

Der thematische Fokus liegt auf dem zivilgesellschaftlichen Wandel in Richtung enkeltaugliche Zukunft, wobei sich Transition Connect in der Rolle der Daten-Drehscheibe als Dienstleister sieht, um die weltweite Transition-Bewegung auf die nächste Ebene zu bringen. Einzelne Organisationen der Grassroot-Bewegung sollen sich vereinfacht vernetzen um gemeinsam umso mehr bewirken zu können.

Tags: Mapping, Karte, Schnittstellen, Kartevonmorgen, API
Topics: Nutrition, Consumption, and Agriculture, Climate Protection

Related Projects/Groups: Karte von morgen, Wandel-IT-Services, WE | AG WECHANGE online, WE | connect


Created on: 01/23/2018
Last updated on: 04/11/2024

  • Contact

Here you can send a message to the admins.
If you want to send your message to the project chat, you have to turn directly to the project.

  • Pads
  • Helmut Wolman 6. Runde Prototype Fund Commit: System erneuern mit TC
  • Benno Flory Protokoll Transition Connect - Karte von morgen Treffen
  • Collecting the Mappers of Alternatives

2014 we started a list of all Mapping Projects for a sustainabel transformation and put them in our bucket-List, which we want to connect all. Some of them you can also find on the map under #MappingTransformation.

  • News