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Klimabonus Lüneburg


Group: Lebendiges Lüneburg

News posts
  • About the Project

Der Klimabonus belohnt Klimaschutz in Lüneburg für Gesellschaft, Vereine, Kommunen und Unternehmen.

Tags: Kohlenstoffsenke, CO2-Fußabdruck, THG-Bilanzierung, Sektoralwährung
Topics: Mobility, Energy, Environment and Nature Protection, Nutrition, Consumption, and Agriculture, Money and Finance, Climate Protection


Created on: 05/29/2023
Last updated on: 05/29/2023

  • Contact

Project administrator:  Maria , Lea Becker

Here you can send a message to the admins.
If you want to send your message to the project chat, you have to turn directly to the project.

  • News