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zz-Map for Russia of Tomorrow (old)

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  • About the Project

A Summer-Hackathon and a Networking-Process in Russia, Belarus and Germany 2021

Where are the places of active civil society, transformation in education, liefe and social enterprises in Russia? What if there was a map for them to participate in and get visible?

Our goal is to provide a common map platform (such as the and for civil society actors in Russia through which local initiatives can be mapped by volunteers. This should lead to better findability of sustainable organisations, innovation, promotes direct exchange and a sense of community at the local level, stabilises support structures and makes the socio-ecological transformation visible.

Main activity could be a Hackathon and Mapathon with Russian and German Developers in the Summer 2021, where we meet for one week to develop and fill this map as an intercultural collaboration.

Join this project to colaborat:

Tags: Mapping, OpenStreetMap, deutsch-russisch, russisch-deutsch, Russisch, Russland, Karte, Kartendarstellung, Kartenansicht, Map, map, Kartevonmorgen, Transformation postsowjetischer Länder (insbesondere Russlsand) in neue ökonomische Systeme (welche
Topics: Mobility, Energy, Environment and Nature Protection, Education and Communication, Nutrition, Consumption, and Agriculture, Money and Finance, Construction and Living, Climate Protection

Related Projects/Groups: AA #4 MAPA, Karte von morgen


Created on: 02/07/2021
Last updated on: 03/01/2022

  • Contact

Kontakt: Helmut Wolman


Project administrator:  Helmut Wolman , Andrei Andrusov

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