Showing 50 of 200 results for your query "idea"

  • Mikhail Volchak Dvelop idea for belarusian IT-communityAdded a post for belrausian activists and developers: Mostly describe our early idea and kartvonmorgen as an existing prototype.
  • levi Hyden What are the best fundraising ideas to generate donation for good cause?Where I can read about [fundraising ideas]( Please suggest me some good blogs.
  • Kreideaktion
  • Seelenübungen - Stärkung des Denkens, Fühlens und des Willens
  • Lino Zeddies Collective Intelligence for Smarter Decision-MakingThis is a post on behalf of a friend from India on an innovative tool. He will be in Berlin next month and could then meet up if someone is interested: [Swae ]( is a decision-making and innovation management platform. It is combining anonymity, AI and collective intelligence to help organizations unleash untapped creativity, discover unrevealed ideas, and source better quality ideas to select from, improving decision-making. Swae can help people inside the organization build compelling proposals with AI, improve ideas through collective deliberation and vet ideas through collective intelligence allowing management to only spend scare time review the best ideas that survive the process. Here are the demo links provided by the Swae for: - [Proposal Creator]( - [Proposal collaborator]( - [Management]( If you are interested to know more or pilot test Swae, you can contact Deepak Ashwani,
  • Eurasiadoc
  • The managers’ Council of Engineering Companies (MCEC)
  • Dargelütz-Projekt von Schenker-Bewegung
  • Knowledge Harvesting Group
  • Carla Schulte-Fischedick decentralize it! Offenes Willkommensplenum DE & ENG Transformation Haus & Feld 23,6. 19 Uhr**********ENG BELOW********** Hallo ihr lieben, morgen um 19 Uhr ist wieder das offene Online-Willkommensplenum bei Transformation Haus & Feld. Wir sind ein Team von Aktivist:innen in Berlin und deutschlandweit. Das Artensterben, die Klimakrise, globale und lokale Ungerechtigkeit und die Trägheit der Regierungen motivieren uns, die soziale und ökologische Transformation JETZT praktisch anzugehen. Spaß, Herzlichkeit, gemeinsames Lernen, Mut und Experimentierfreude kennzeichnen unsere Zusammenarbeit. Diesen Mittwoch gibt es wieder die Möglichkeit, bei Transformation Haus & Feld reinzuschnuppern und einzusteigen. Unsere Forderung: Ein ehemaliger Flughafen wird zum Transformationszentrum, an dem die Arbeitswelt von morgen entsteht Um von globaler Ausbeutung, Extraktivismus und fossiler Energie unabhängig zu werden, braucht es einen umfassenden Wandel der Arbeitswelt, das heißt neue Ausbildungswege und Berufe. Menschen, die derzeit etwa in der Fossilwirtschaft, im konsumorientierten Gewerbe oder in der Tierindustrie arbeiten, brauchen neue Perspektiven – zum Beispiel in der dezentralen Erzeugung erneuerbarer Energien, in der Planung und Umsetzung geschlossener Stoffkreisläufe, in der Erschließung einer klimaneutralen Mobilität, in der gemeinwohlorientierten Fertigung und Reparatur oder in der regenerativen Landwirtschaft. Dafür braucht die Gesellschaft Transformationsorte, wo die Praktiken und Fähigkeiten für eine ökologische und gerechte Zukunft erprobt und großen Teilen der Gesellschaft vermittelt werden können. Deshalb schließen wir uns zusammen, um gemeinsam ein Transformationszentrum für alle auf dem Berliner Tempelhofer Feld und im Flughafengebäude einzufordern und aufzubauen. Was wir tun Unsere Arbeit lässt sich grob in drei Bereiche unterteilen: 1 Kampagnen- und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, Veranstaltungen (teilweise in Berlin/teilweise online) In diesen Bereich fallen alle Aktivitäten, die dabei helfen, die Idee und Erzählung vom Transformationszentrum für alle in Berlin und bundesweit bekannt zu machen. 2 Bündnisaufbau, Community-Building (hauptsächlich in Berlin) Wir sprechen Praktiker:innen, wissenschaftliche Institute und mögliche Partner:innen gezielt an, um ihr Wissen, ihre Erfahrungen und Ideen in die Arbeit der Fach-AGs einzubinden. So finden oft auch alte Häs:innen der Nachhaltigkeitsszene ihren Weg in die aktive Mitarbeit. Oder sie helfen, die Idee bekannter zu machen und regen anderswo ähnliche Initiativen an. Weil zu einer besseren Gesellschaft auch eine bessere Kultur des Miteinanders gehört, legen wir Wert auf Augenhöhe, aktives Zuhören und genügend Zeit für das persönliche Kennenlernen. Wir sind sicher, so entstehen robuste Beziehungen und revolutionäre Ideen. 3 Konzeptarbeit (ausschließlich online) Unser Ziel ist es, bis Herbst einen Gesamtentwurf für das Transformationszentrum für alle am Flughafen Tempelhof vorzulegen. Dies passiert in ko-kreativen Fach-AGs, in denen Aktivist:innen und Lernbegierige gemeinsam mit Expert:innen themenbezogene Bereichsskizzen erarbeiten, die wir dann in einer Serie von drei Konferenzen im September zu einem Gesamtentwurf zusammenführen. Neugierig geworden? Dann bis morgen um 19 Uhr beim online Willkommensplenum: Mehr infos: **************ENG*********** Hey there, we want to invite you to join Transformation Haus & Feld's open online welcoming session for new and interested trafos tomorrow (wednesday) at 7 pm. We are a team of activists in Berlin and Germany. The extinction of species, the climate crisis, global and local injustice and the inertia of governments motivate us to take a practical approach to social and ecological transformation NOW. Fun, cordiality, learning together, courage and the joy of experimentation characterise our cooperation. Our demand: A former airport becomes a transformation center where the working world of tomorrow is created. In order to become independent of global exploitation, extractivism and fossil energy, a transformation of the world of work is needed, which means new training paths and professions. People who currently work in the fossil fuel economy, in consumerism-oriented branches or in the animal industry, for example, need new perspectives - for example, in the decentralized production of renewable energies, in the planning and implementation of closed material cycles, in the development of climate-neutral mobility, in community-oriented manufacturing and repair, or in regenerative agriculture. For this, society needs transformational places where the practices and skills for an ecological and just future can be tested and communicated to large segments of society. That is why we are joining forces to demand and build a transformation center for all on Berlin's Tempelhofer Feld and in the airport building. What we do: Our work can be roughly divided into three areas: 1 Campaign and public relations work, events (partly in Berlin - partly remote/online) This area includes all activities that help to make the idea and narrative of the Transformation Centre for All known in Berlin and nationwide. 2 Alliance building, community building (mostly in Berlin) We approach practitioners, scientific institutes and potential partners in order to integrate their knowledge and ideas into the overall concept. In this way, old hands in the sustainability scene often find their way into active participation. Or they help to make the idea better known and encourage similar initiatives elsewhere. Because a better society also requires a better culture of togetherness, we value eye-to-eye contact, active listening and enough time to get to know each other personally. We are sure that this is how robust relationships and revolutionary ideas are born. 3 Concept work (remote/online) Our goal is to present an overall concept for the transformation centre for all on Tempelhofer Feld by autumn. This will be done in specialist working groups, in which activists and those eager to learn will work together with experts to develop thematic sub-concepts, which we will then bring together in a series of three conferences in September to form an overall concept. Curious, questions, want to know more? Join us tomorrow at the online welcome session from 7pm to 8:30 here: More info:
  • Mark Fraunhofer main theory applied to a recent discovery in Earth's geological record. Theory on the mechanics of dark matter accumulation surrounding earth's core, and it's cyclical release/discharge. Apologies for crude descriptions, I'm not a physicist nor am I a mathematician. I've been working on these theories for well over 40 years now, these are the current iterations. In simplest terms, our reality is like a variable density opal crystal, with black holes being densest, neutron stars next and so on, these densities are driven by pressure inferred from an interference pattern in the pressure waves many times larger than our locality(our universe), our locality being located in one of the peaks of the interference pattern, this local pressure is causing our reality/spacetime(crystalline structure) with it's quantum mechanics(asymmetry of the forces is caused by the mounting pressure creating the crystalline structure, with perceived expansion of our universe reflecting the fact that one or more of the component intersecting pressure waves has not yet reached it's peak at our location, with the increasing pressure the wave function of all component elements is shrinking, giving an appearance that the universe is expanding) dependent on the pressure levels, to emerge. In this scenario, dark matter is separating from the crystalline structure, it acts as a lubricant and it's attracted to higher densities in the crystalline structure, alas, itself being far lower density, it's subject to centrifugal forces of the denser structures spiraling around inside the emerging crystalline structure that pushes it away from high density areas(usually in practice, spinning). It's accumulating on the outskirts of large scale high density areas(galaxies). First, a few questions, these are designed to help some ideas automatically snap into place on a subconscious level, helping you quickly understand the proposed ideas. As you are reading past them. Feel free to skip the questions section if it seems overly manipulative to you, it's meant to be harmless and should not be viewed as an attempt to manipulate, beyond slight possibility of helping to open your mind to new information and/or new ways of looking at, and/or feeling about things, all in the interest of pushing our understanding and learning: 1. Do you suppose fish and other organisms living at the bottom's of our planet's ocean's are constantly complaining about the amount of pressure they have to deal with or, are they more likely to not notice it at all? 2. Have you noticed how we can grow crystals of all sorts in the lab, or even in jars at home right on the kitchen counter? 3. Have you further noticed how some crystals can form at normal pressures and temperatures you would normally encounter on the kitchen counter, for example salt crystals, while some others require immense temperatures and/or pressures, only achievable in extremely expensive and bulky equipment, for example growing diamonds in the lab? 4. Do you suppose, the body of the fish or other organisms happily living in pressures that would instantly crash you and me, evolved organs operating on slightly different principles than yours or mine? 5. What do you think might be supplementing the apparent weakness of the gravitational force compared with other forces in order for things to stay together? How would that manifest itself? Asymmetrical forces distribution? 6. How was that for transparency? And, I hope you realize, this is merely an attempt to create a subroutine in your subconscious to process this new information more effectively by describing awkwardly the parameters of this communication, sort of a chicken and an egg thing, all in one. You are ready, here is my proposal: Prior to discharge(in my proposal, this "discharge" event refers to the discovered "heartbeat" in the historical geological record of our planet, going back 260 million years, article referencing the paper describing this discovery is linked in the comments to this post), in a manner similar to Japanese garden's Shishi-odoshi, small percentage, a tiny fraction of the total dark matter created in and around our Sun, combines with dark matter emitted by our planet, and accumulates in a cloud surrounding the core of our planet. After a while(roughly every 27.5 million years) this flow system reaches a point where our planets core mass is no longer able to hold the attraction of accumulated dark matter cloud against centrifugal forces, and the dark matter cloud floats away, after conceivably passing through the fresh dark matter stream coming from the sun for the last time, bringing it to the breaking point, the loosely defined body(cloud) of accumulated dark matter begins continuation of the migration to the gas giants of our system and eventually the outskirts of the solar system, where process repeats on solar system scale prior to discharging again into the outskirts of our galaxy. This also supports and explains the baffling results of the famous Italian dark matter search experiment(where there's an annual spike in dark matter detection, it may even relate and coincide with the unknown heavy mass detected under the continent of Africa, a well known gravitational anomaly affecting low orbit space satellites), there is a stream of dark matter coming out from the sun, shaped by the gravitational pull of massive bodies in our solar system it's funneled into a stream(rather than reaching the discharge point, dark matter created inside the sun is slowly streaming away towards our gas giants, because sun is overflowing with it, it may even be contributing factor to the temperatures off the surface of the sun, modulated by the various mass sources with Jupiter being the most prominent one, our planet passes partially through this stream of dark matter once a year, as it's in the same plane as most of the planets and massive objects in our solar system), probably headed straight for the Jupiter, this stream we pass through annually, perhaps some of it "rubs off" near the core of our planet, accumulating slowly, gravitationally bound to the core of our planet, until this cloud becomes too massive to hold on due to centrifugal forces, roughly, every 27.5 million years. Possibly, finding geological evidence on other massive bodies in our system would confirm this theory. With obvious exception of gas giants, since all the evidence of such mechanisms could never be recorded on those bodies. But perhaps, the data already exists with unexplained mass in cores of Jupiter and Neptune for example, I seem to recall something discovered to that effect, reported on few years ago. It would be interesting as well to discover a connection between mechanisms I described above and the still yet not fully explained immense temperatures of the plasma above the sun's surface, perhaps dark matter accumulating within and around the sun, plays a role there as well. All this works out with my larger theory as well, where I'm postulating dark matter to be sort of occlusions in the crystalline structure of our reality, unable to bind or be bound by normally developed structures that emerge as the spacetime with quantum mechanics, we observe. Sort of mutated particle zoo without binding surfaces, bound up in it's own internal loops. For the most part, inaccessible to our instrumentation due to it's non-conformity with normal spacetime, it just slides through spacetime, only attracted to mass and affected by centrifugal forces, quite possibly some of the flavors of these looped structures may be detected, they do not represent the entirety of "dark matter", which also means it's more complex than uniform structure would allow, therefore different constituents may react differently, which means "dark matter" may be separating, like oil and water, for example, depending on some common variable properties of the constituents, this may play a significant role in the mechanisms I described above. For example, heavier constituents of the dark mater may be the ones more prone to detection, also, may have different trajectory through the solar system with only certain thresholds of "atomic" weights able to accumulate while heavier constituents may be responsible for triggering the "avalanches" of accumulated "lighter" dark matter, to leave the gravitational boundaries of dark matter layers interacting with the core of our planet. This complicates mechanisms, math involved and detection. Perfection! That is what we want, complication! I have been working on this iteration of dark matter mechanics ideas for about two years now, including the idea of crystalline structure being put together, being the emergent "spacetime" including the quantum mechanics we observe within the spacetime. Continuing to make connections, drawing up parallels and refining while testing the discoveries and experiments I come across against these descriptions, I'm happy with the fit of what's left and not outright rejected in my theory so far. Two more question: 7. Perhaps, gravity is not what we think it is, and it's almost redundant, or perhaps might became even more redundant in the future, what do you think? 8. Do you suppose the apparent asymmetry in distribution of strength of observable forces may be caused by a constant presence of pressure in our universe? Something that plays a role but is not observable par say as we do not have access to an overarching frame of reference.
  • Roy Rempt '2½-Tage-Zukunftswerkstatt-Prozessen'© als 'Idee' auf WeChange veröffentlicht 😊Mit '2½-Tage-Zukunftswerkstatt-Prozessen'© Zukunft gestalten, Probleme analyseieren, Lösungen⁺Wege⁺Partner finden Themen: Bildung und Kommunikation, Kunst, Kultur und Freizeitgestaltung, Demokratie und Beteiligung »
  • Christian Fahrbach 𝐒𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐭Im Rahmen des [Social Transformation Summit]( vom 4.– 5. September 2021 an der Karlshochschule in Karlsruhe halte ich einen Workshop zum Thema Transformative Finanzwirtschaft. **What is the idea of the summit?** In cooperation with organizations, networks, student initiatives and activists, Karlshochschule want to bring together different actors, changemakers and civil society organizations who actively contribute to a better world to connect, exchange ideas, reflect, learn from each other, share skills, and ultimately develop common visions for socio-ecological transformation.
  • (Deleted User) Eco Education as a way of helping with poverty in rural areasHello, Eco Education as a way of helping with poverty in rural areas. New ideas related to organic farming, sustainable development or Fair Trade- fairly new to most of the small farmers, could bring lots of opportunities for farms development or changing the production altogether. New ideas related to commercial hemp, small organic farms, agro tourism etc could make enormous difference. Just right education is needed to show the way for new eco businesses. For More You Can Check:- [Business animation company](
  • Norman S. Ort für Workshopideen gesuchtHallo, wo wäre ein geeigneter Ort meine Ideen für Workshops anzulegen? Aktuell liegen sie im Wechange als als "Idee" herum:
  • DRA e.V. Call for participation (deadline extended!): Thinking about the future in coal regions – What vision do the young generations in Germany, Ukraine and Russia have?What do the coal regions Lusatia (Lausitz), Lviv-Volyn, Donbas and Kuzbas have in common? For thousands of years decaying and growing forests covered these lands and were transformed into valuable coal deposits. The energy of this coal is running industrial production, is warming and lighting our houses. With coal mining many settlements were established. The identity, social life and culture of people were shaped by the very specific circumstances in these regions. Today, coal regions are facing a changing era: some regions more intensely than others. The international community agreed on the need to decarbonise our economies and societies by the middle of this century because of the global challenge of climate change. What does that mean for our coal regions? What future-visions do we see for our coal regions and what part do we play as young people and the future change makers? We are looking for young people from coal regions in Germany, Ukraine and Russia, who are interested in * discussing these questions together in 2 exchange events in Germany and Ukraine an * expressing their thoughts and ideas in media products (video, article, comic etc.) that will result in a common multimedia website *What and when will happen in the project?* **July - beginning of August 2018**: forming national groups in Germany, Russia and Ukraine (6 young people + a groupcoordinator) **Middle/end of August 2018** 1st international meeting to Lusatia Region (Germany, 7 days): young people from Germany, Russia and Ukraine come together * exchanging on current situation and future visions of their coal regions/ * expanding know-how on sustainable development approaches and perspectives for the young people (jobs, civic participation) * gaining skills in the development of media products (storytelling methods, technical toolkits) * meeting the coal region Lusatia and its people: site visits, talks to inhabitants, organisations, and companies **September 2018 - February 2019**, in their home regions, young people work on media products that tell their story about “their” coal region and will contribute to the common multimedia-website, assistance is provided by the coordinators of the national groups **March 2019**: 2nd international meeting in Western Ukraine * meeting the coal region Lviv-Volyn (around the miners’ cities Chervonograd and Novovolinsk) and its people: site visits, talks to inhabitants, organisations, and companies * finalising the media products and the common multimedia website * public event (presentation of the media products) The project offers you to meet people with a similar background from your region and other countries. You will have time, space and atmosphere to reflect on your personal development and role in your region, exchange your ideas, hopes and fears. Eligibility criteria: * Your life, work or studies are strongly connected to one of the coal regions Lusatia (Lausitz), Lviv-Volyn, Donbas or Kuzbas * You are between 18 and 35 years old * You are interested in meeting peers from other countries (Germany, Ukraine, Russia) in order to reflect together on regional transformation questions, future challenges and visions for the development of coal regions and your personal role in that context * You are interested in expressing your impressions, experiences and ideas in a self-made media product (text, video / audio production, comic and the like) * Your English is sufficient enough to read and understand this call All costs are covered by the project organisers. Interested? Fill in the application form ( till the 29th of June 2018. We will contact you back till the 2nd of July 2018. Contact Mariia Kryvokhyzhyna Project assistant Environment and Climate Protection DRA e.V. Badstraße 44 D-13357 Berlin Tel: +49(0)30/44 66 80 18 Fax: +49(0)30/44 66 80 10 The project is a result of a cooperation between DRA e.V. ( and the Ukrainian Youth Climate Association ( and is financed by Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ)
  • International Youth Media web-site
  • Dominik Becher CLIMATE SOLIDARITIES #2 is looking for International Contacts/ParticipantsWe – a group of young enthusiastic scientists – would like to invite You to join our digital “climate solidarities” conference in Leipzig on November 18th and 19th. The event is part of our yearly well-organized module “Kinderuni” – university for children. This term we will focus on topics concerning our climate and have already amazing scientists holding a lecture such as Christian Pilz from TROPOS and organisations like “Climate Interactive” and “Lit4School”. How can You help? You want to make an impact on our society yourself? We happily invite You to hold a lecture, share Your ideas and thoughts. In case You have got no time; You might know somebody who is able to participate, or You can give us contact details of somebody or an organisation that comes into Your mind. We kindly ask You to share this event either way and are looking forward to a fantastic opportunity for young minds to gather and share ideas. We are looking mainly for Young Activists fluent in English from a diverse background of nationalities and cultures (English teachers and their classes!?), but really everybody is welcome to participate. Best Dominik [CLIMATE SOLIDARITIES #2 Trailer](
  • Milena Valeva Public Lecture Series - Environmental Campus Birkenfeld, Trier University of Applied SciencesThe **Environmental Campus Birkenfeld**, Trier University of Applied Sciences launches the first **Public Lecture in English** on the **9th of November 2020 at 6 p.m. via Zoom** on the following topic: **“UNODC’s anti-corruption work with NGOs” ** The presentation will address UNODC’s collaboration with NGOs in the context of developing and promoting teaching modules on anti-corruption, integrity and ethics under the E4J initiative. I will provide specific examples of good practices and challenges of such collaborations. I will also invite the students to propose new ways for UNODC to work with NGOs on such projects, with a special emphasis on “out of the box” ideas. We will spend some time during the session discussing the students’ ideas. The speaker are: **Alexander Petkov & Viktorija Nesterovaite (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime-UNODC, Vienna)** You can **join us for free** and discuss with the speakers on the chosen topic. All you need to do, is to click on the LIVE STREAM button on the 9th of November 2020 at 6p.m. here: See you on Monday in the live stream, Prof. Dr. Milena Valeva
  • #neuLAND
  • Carla Schulte-Fischedick Ergänzung zu meinem vorherigen Post - bezüglich des nachhaltigen KalendersDa habe ich mich wohl etwas missverständlich* ausgedrückt und zudem übersehen, dass der Weblink **zur Bestellseite des nachhaltigen immerwährenden Kalenders nicht funktionierte - sorry! hier also der Link und weiter unten, was ich mit meinem Nachsatz meinte... "Und nach Aussage auf deren Webseite **( Evergreen-ideas) kann es auch dieses Jahr noch rechtzeitig zu Weihnachten (trotz meiner recht späten Info - sorry dafür!) klappen: "Alle Produkte, die bis zum 21.12.2017, 10 Uhr morgens (an eine Adresse in Deutschland) bestellt und bezahlt werden, werden rechtzeitig vorm Weihnachtsfest von uns verschickt und kommen laut DHL auch noch an!" * Und wenn Ihr Euch für den Kalender entscheidet, würde ich mich über Rückmeldungen ( an freuen, die ich dann auch gerne an die (Er)SchafferInnen dieses Kalenders weiter gebe, die ich das Glück hatte , bei der Green World Tour und dem Heldenmarkt kennen lernen zu dürfen." Damit war gemeint, dass es für mich als Vernetzerin und Multiplikatorin, als die ich versuche heraus zu finden, wie man möglichst viele Menschen inspirieren kann, nachhaltig zu leben und zu agieren, immer spannend ist, zu erfahren, wie es anderen mit meinen Anregungen bzw. "Hilfsmitteln" ergeht...;-) Das Bestellen selbst also bitte über deren Plattform erledigen - Danke :-) vorweihnachtliche Grüße, Carla
  • DRA e.V. Call for participation# **Thinking about the future in coal regions – What vision do the young generations in Germany, Ukraine and Russia have?** What do the coal regions Lusatia (Lausitz), Lviv-Volyn, Donbas and Kuzbas have in common? For thousands of years decaying and growing forests covered these lands and were transformed into valuable coal deposits. The energy of this coal is running industrial production, is warming and lighting our houses. With coal mining many settlements were established. The identity, social life and culture of people were shaped by the very specific circumstances in these regions. Today, coal regions are facing a changing era: some regions more intensely than others. The international community agreed on the need to decarbonise our economies and societies by the middle of this century because of the global challenge of climate change. What does that mean for our coal regions? What future-visions do we see for our coal regions and what part do we play as young people and the future change makers? We are looking for young people from coal regions in Germany, Ukraine and Russia, who are interested in * discussing these questions together in 2 exchange events in Germany and Ukraine an * expressing their thoughts and ideas in media products (video, article, comic etc.) that will result in a common multimedia website *What and when will happen in the project?* **July - beginning of August 2018**: forming national groups in Germany, Russia and Ukraine (6 young people + a groupcoordinator) **Middle/end ofAugust 2018** 1st international meeting to Lusatia Region (Germany, 7 days): young people from Germany, Russia and Ukraine come together * exchanging on current situation and future visions of their coal regions/ * expanding know-how on sustainable development approaches and perspectives for the young people (jobs, civic participation) * gaining skills in the development of media products (storytelling methods, technical toolkits) * meeting the coal region Lusatia and its people: site visits, talks to inhabitants, organisations, and companies **September 2018 - February 2019**, in their home regions, young people work on media products that tell their story about “their” coal region and will contribute to the common multimedia-website, assistance is provided by the coordinators of the national groups **March 2019**: 2nd international meeting in Western Ukraine * meeting the coal region Lviv-Volyn (around the miners’ cities Chervonograd and Novovolinsk) and its people: site visits, talks to inhabitants, organisations, and companies * finalising the media products and the common multimedia website * public event (presentation of the media products) The project offers you to meet people with a similar background from your region and other countries. You will have time, space and atmosphere to reflect on your personal development and role in your region, exchange your ideas, hopes and fears. *Eligibility criteria:* * Your life, work or studies are strongly connected to one of the coal regions Lusatia (Lausitz), Lviv-Volyn, Donbas or Kuzbas * You are between 18 and 35 years old * You are interested in meeting peers from other countries (Germany, Ukraine, Russia) in order to reflect together on regional transformation questions, future challenges and visions for the development of coal regions and your personal role in that context * You are interested in expressing your impressions, experiences and ideas in a self-made media product (text, video / audio production, comic and the like) * Your English is sufficient enough to read and understand this call All costs are covered by the project organisers. Interested? [Fill in the application form]( till the 18th of June 2018. We will contact you back till the 25th of June 2018. *Contact* Mariia Kryvokhyzhyna Project assistant Environment and Climate Protection DRA e.V. Badstraße 44 D-13357 Berlin Tel: +49(0)30/44 66 80 18 Fax: +49(0)30/44 66 80 10 The project is a result of a cooperation between DRA e.V. ( and the Ukrainian Youth Climate Association ( and is financed by Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Future (EVZ)
  • Noosphere Engineering School (NES)
  • Ispirazione
  • Adami Media Prize BY