Showing 50 of 54 results for your query "teacher"

  • TeachersForFuture Köln
  • Teachers4Future Germany
  • Gundula Büker Qualifizierungskurs "Global Teacher" - Jetzt weiterleiten und/oder anmelden!Guten Tag, Das [Entwicklungspädagogische Informationszentrum EPiZ Reutlingen]( und die Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Baden-Württemberg führen ab März 2023 erneut die Fortbildung "Global Teacher: Qualifizierungskurs Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) und Globales Lernen" für Lehrkräfte durch. Der Qualifizierungskurs besteht aus zwei Modulen und begleitenden Elementen. Er vermittelt fachliche Grundlagen, didaktische und methodische Zugänge zur Umsetzung von BNE/Globalem Lernen in Unterricht und Schule sowie Anregungen zur Umsetzung von BNE und Globalem Lernen im Sinne eines "Whole Institution Approach". Die Qualifizierung richtet sich an Lehrkräfte aller Schularten, -fächer und Klassenstufen und weitere Multiplikator*innen im schulischen Bereich. Anmeldungen sind bis 27.02. 2023 möglich. Die Anmeldelinks und weitere Informationen finden Sie im Dokument anbei oder unter: Bitte leiten Sie diese Information auch an weitere Interessierte Personen und/oder in Ihren Netzwerken weiter - herzlichen Dank! Viele Grüße, Gundula Büker
  • ESD_BR: Teacher training initiatives on ESD in BRs
  • Teachers for Future Freiburg
  • Teachers for Future Sachsen
  • Vorstand Teachers for Future e.V.
  • Teachers for Future Germany e.V.
  • Soulsurf Teachers Circle
  • Teachers for Future Leipzig
  • OG Teachers4future - Augsburg
  • t4f_de | AG Kommunikation
  • Ellen Pauwels Work week 1 in BelgiumFrom **23 to 27 January 2023**, our first face-to-face meeting took place in BRUSSELS. It was hosted and prepared by our Belgian partner, the GO! Technical Atheneum Zavelenberg. We exchanged more detailed information about our respective schools and finally got to know each other a bit personally. This is a prerequisite for our Prep4Pro project to develop successful and good ErasmusPro projects. Here are some important aspects of our first week working together: **1 Some conclusions from previous surveys** among students/teachers/parents: A mobility period of 3-6 months is preferred. We need to make it clear that the costs will be covered by ErasmusPlus, as financial obstacles to participation were mentioned in the survey. Language preparation of participants is important for students, accommodation and support for parents. **2 Reflecting on our expectations of the partnership/network** Short term mobility, long term mobility and staff mobility. A student-centred, safe approach to enriching their lives, with full confidence in our partners. Requirements for participation: GPA, teacher approval, English language ability and motivation. Accompaniment by teacher: Beginning and end (+ half-time). Communication: o First week or two at school/with peers to have a reference group. o Contact with learners and companies: at least every 15 days or more often. Key to success: early involvement of all stakeholders. **3 Company visits + compare and discuss curricula + educational visits + dinner with pupils and parents** The vocational school teachers met some companies interested in hosting Erasmusplus trainees discussed and compared their respective detailed learning programmes in the fields of Nursing, Electricity and Heating/Sanitary/Mechanical to identify differences and similarities. Visited two sites of the Erasmushogeschool Brussel, which can also imagine a cooperation with Prep4Pro. Together with students + parents + colleagues from GO! Technisch Atheneum Zavelenberg the partners had the opportunity to introduce themselves and get to know each other over a delicious halal buffet and to motivate to participate in an Erasmusplus mobility. **4 Agreement on our common values** in international cooperation and our expectations from the partners for the development of a charter. **5 Collect and compare legal frameworks and administrative requirements** for ErasmusPro exchanges in partner countries. **6 Dissemination plan and reflection on the horizontal priorities** presented and discussed. If you would like to know more, please contact us. By the way: When we meet in Brussels, a visit to the European Parliament is of course part of the programme! A very interesting experience!
  • Ana Marín
  • EdCamp Belarus
  • Maria Fronz LEHRER:IN SEIN IN DER KLIMAKRISE - Wie existentielle Krisen unseren Beruf verändern Noch Plätze frei: Tagung „Lehrer:in sein in der Klimakrise“ Wie das Erleben existentieller Krisen unseren Beruf verändert Die Klimakrise betrifft uns alle - ganz besonders aber die jungen und kommenden Generationen. Deshalb stellt sie gerade Lehrer:innen vor völlig neue Herausforderungen: Was bedeutet es aktuell, junge Menschen gut auf die Zukunft vorzubereiten. Welche Kompetenzen müssen wir neu erwerben und wie können wir selber Resilienz aufbauen? Welche strukturellen Veränderungen braucht es im System? Diese und weitere Fragen wollen wir im Austausch mit jungen Menschen und unter Einbeziehung von Wissenschaft und Zivilgesellschaft diskutieren. Dazu laden wir Lehrkräfte aller Schularten und Lehramtsstudierende zu unserer Tagung ein: 15.-16. September 2023 an der JGU Mainz Wir wollen Mut machen, in der aktuellen Krise nicht den Kopf in den Sand zu stecken, durch positive Zukunftsbilder empowern und Lust machen auf die Transformation der Schulen, ohne die eigenen Bedürfnisse und Gefühle der Lehrer:innen aus dem Blick zu verlieren. Alle weiteren Informationen zur Tagung, dem Programm und eingeladenen Referent:innen findest du auf unserer Homepage. Interesse? Dann melde dich direkt an und sei dabei! 🤗 Podiumsgäste Unser Auftaktplenum wird Kathrin Macha, nahezu approbierte Psychotherapeutin an der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz mit Schwerpunkten in Gruppentherapie, Traumafolgestörungen und Kultursensibler Psychotherapie sowie Mitglied der Psychologist for Future, gestalten. Wir starten in unsere Podiumsdiskussion mit der Keynote „Die Welt brennt, die Schule brennt… Was machen multiple Krisen mit Schüler:innen und wie können wir sie unterstützen?“ von Prof. Dr. Julia Asbrand (Universität Jena). Anschließend stellen wir mit einer Podiumsdiskussion die Frage: „Wie gelingt der Wandel in der Schule?“ Mit dabei sind u.a.: • Prof. i.R. Annedore Prengel • Margret Rasfeld • Prof. Dr. Anne Sliwka • JProf. Dr. Steve Kenner Workshopangebot Für Freitag und Samstag haben wir ein großes Workshop-Angebot für euch. Hier eine kleine Auswahl: „Wir sind das System: Innerer und äußerer Wandel in der Vielfachkrise“ (Timo Holthoff, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Welt. Beziehung. Bilden „Rassismus als Krise? Die strukturelle Logik von Rassismus in Schule“ (Vanessa Ohm und Jocelyn Dechêne, Universität Bielefeld) „Gemeinsam Schule gestalten: Kooperation und Partizipation als Schlüssel für nachhaltiges Arbeiten in der Schule“ (Andreas Niessen, Heliosschule Köln) „Die Lehre der Zukunft ist intersektional: Wie wir verschiedene Lebensrealitäten in der Schule abbilden“ (Luna Möbius, Referent:in für politische Bildung, intersektionalen Queerfeminismus & soziale Gerechtigkeit) „Werkzeuge für die Begleitung von BNE-Lernprozessen und die Förderung von Selbstwirksamkeit“ (Miriam Remy, FREI DAY) Eine Übersicht über alle Workshops sowie weitere Informationen zum Programmablauf findest du auf unserer Homepage! Teachers for Future Germany e.V. Piusstraße 129, 50931, Köln
  • Abera Argo Lankamo
  • InterCultur gGmbH
  • Patrick Brehm Schüler*innen brauchen Zukunft! Die Klimakrise und das Diensteid-Dilemma der Lehrer*innen - Unterstützt unseren offenen BriefLehrer*innen fordern von der Politik entschlossenes Handeln in der Klimakrise - also konsequentes Einhalten des Grundgesetzes. Die Forderungen können von allen unterstützt werden. #diensteiddilemma #teachersforfuture #keingradweiter #schoolsforfuture Join our group!
  • Petra Eickhoff Vierteilige Fortbildungsreihe online: Schulen handeln in der KlimakriseIdeen und Empowerment für transformative Bildung 24.02.2021 16:00-18:30 **Transformation!** mit Stefan Rostock (Germanwatch) und Inga Feuser (Teachers for Future) 03.03.2021 16:00-18:30 **Wissen!** mit Rainer Wackermann (Ruhruniversität) und Oliver Wagner (Wuppertal Institut) 11.03.2021 16:00-18:30 **Anfangen und dranbleiben!** mit Kathrin Rothenberg-Elder (Diploma Hochschule) und Hanna Göhler (digital habitat) 18.03.2021 16:00-18:30 **Handeln!** mit Lea Fiestelmann (Teachers for Future), Michael Wildt (Institut für pädagogische Beratung) und Margret Rasfeld (Schule im Aufbruch) Mit Expert:innen austauschen und mit anderen Kolleg:innen aus Schule und Bildung verständigen! Teilnahme kostenlos, Anmeldung erforderlich:
  • Indigenous and ESD
  • Schools for Future
  • Cornelia Kalkhoff
  • AG Breaks for Future
  • t4f_de | AG Selbstverständnis und Forderungen
  • Roof-top Info Civil society representatives of GBAO address Rustam EmomaliIn their [video statement]( issued on December 19, 2021, the representatives of the civil society of GBAO request Rustam Emomali, Head of the Upper Chamber of the Parliament (Majlisi Oli Majlisi Milli) of Tajikistan, to intervene and take under his close control the security situation in the region. The representatives emphasize that despite economic difficulties, extremely high prices on food and fuel and high unemployment in the region, the population has always remained supportive of the government. However, the patience of the people is extremely stretched by the unlawful killing of civilians at the hands of law-enforcement forces, long-term imprisonment of youngsters for petty crimes, showcasing negative images of the local people on state television, and putting pressure on local teachers, doctors, and entrepreneurs. The statement continues highlighting that peace and unity, the most important national values established and supported by President Rahmon, are under threat in Khorugh and in GBAO, which may lead to further insecurity throughout whole of Tajikistan. The statement concludes with the request to Rustam Emomali to take under his direct control the situation in GBAO and proposes to discusses the situation in the Parliament for ensuring peace and security in GBAO.
  • Dominik Becher CLIMATE SOLIDARITIES #2 is looking for International Contacts/ParticipantsWe – a group of young enthusiastic scientists – would like to invite You to join our digital “climate solidarities” conference in Leipzig on November 18th and 19th. The event is part of our yearly well-organized module “Kinderuni” – university for children. This term we will focus on topics concerning our climate and have already amazing scientists holding a lecture such as Christian Pilz from TROPOS and organisations like “Climate Interactive” and “Lit4School”. How can You help? You want to make an impact on our society yourself? We happily invite You to hold a lecture, share Your ideas and thoughts. In case You have got no time; You might know somebody who is able to participate, or You can give us contact details of somebody or an organisation that comes into Your mind. We kindly ask You to share this event either way and are looking forward to a fantastic opportunity for young minds to gather and share ideas. We are looking mainly for Young Activists fluent in English from a diverse background of nationalities and cultures (English teachers and their classes!?), but really everybody is welcome to participate. Best Dominik [CLIMATE SOLIDARITIES #2 Trailer](
  • Dnipro Academy of Continuing Education
  • Steve (parto) Leseproben aus dem ¡Change School! Guidebook onlineZum am 15. Januar 2021 erschienenen Buch "Schulen handeln in der Klimakrise" habe ich kleine Leseproben aus jedem Kapitel online gestellt. Geplant ist, diese monatlich zu wechseln, um einen vielfältigen Einblick in die Beiträge aller 19 Autor:innen zu ermöglichen. Dort ist auch ein Online-Formular, über das das Buch unkompliziert bestellt werden kann. Bisher wurden aus dem parto-Büro in Köln schon 50 Bücher versandt, dabei steht die Aussendung der Gratis-Bücher an die teilnehmenden Schulen noch aus. 10 % der Auflage wollen wir an Schüler:innen unter 18 zum gesponserten "Taschengeldpreis" abgeben. Bitte verbreitet diese Internet-Adresse:
  • Ellen Pauwels Work week 3 in FinlandFrom 13 to 17 November 2023, we had our 3rd work week, this time in cold but heartwarming and efficient Finland! We started off with a presentation of the Finnish education system and our hosting partner Sataedu, followed by a tour of their campus in Kökemaki. We researched and exchanged good practices and expertise on the recognition of competences and communication with partners on site before, during and after mobilities. Several workshops were organised on these topics as well as on the following: the drafting of a visibility plan, internationalisation documents, the coordination of (pilot) mobilities and the development of communication tools in correspondence to our developed communication strategies so far. Of course, in the evenings, there was also time for cultural activities and teambuilding: a coastal visit to Yyteri, the typical Finnish sauna experience and outdoor games, delicious Finnish food and a national ice hockey match! As usual, our hosts also organised a dinner with pupils and parents to warm them up to the idea of long-term mobilities and have a meet and greet with all the partners. Participating teachers were again invited to participate in classes of this week's focus sectors and all participants got a tour at the high-tech home for the elderly in Ulvila, as well as the impressive media department in Nakkila. At the latter, the media department organised a filmed interview with the coordinator, which - together with the project banners we all received - will be used to disseminate about our project. We ended the work week with dissemination activities and a state of affairs on the horizontal priorities, reporting & budgetting duties. It was a cold, but heartwarming week after which we went home with a lot of work done and more to come...
  • ACCT
  • Sabine Cloppenburg
  • Anteneh Gebremariam Kallo
  • IYWT Guild "METHOD LAB" Berlin Edition Workshop on 18.09 at 5 pm"METHOD LAB" Berlin Edition Workshop We invite youth workers, beginner trainers, educators and school & university teachers to participate in the conference / workshop “METHOD LAB” Berlin Edition on 18th of September from 5 pm until 9 pm. The workshop will give you the opportunity to acquire and practice a toolbox of basic methods in non-formal education that work in any educational setting. These methods will help you make your trainings, workshops, lessons and events more learner-centered, interactive and inspiring. During the “METHOD LAB” Berlin Edition workshop you will experience and practice the following four new methods with different aims: 1. “Passport” - to help learners to get to know each other, 2. “Mission Impossible” - to build the team spirit using group challenge, 3. “Where Do You Stand” - to facilitate discussions, 4. “The Letter to Yourself” & “Living Dart Board” - to help learners to evaluate their learning results. As well we will introduce, explore and watch some of the methods on our own YouTube channel “YouTrain” with 20 video-tutorials of non-formal education methods and introductory videos. METHOD LAB is a practice-oriented workshop without long-speeches or lectures, we will watch YouTrain tutorials and implement the methods on practice. In the end, it is time for networking. Date: 18 September 17.00 - 21.00 Venue: Museum des Kapitalismus // Köpenicker Str. 172, 10997 Berlin The workshop will be held in English. Participation is free, registration is needed due to limited amount of participants. METHOD LAB Berlin Edition is organised by International Youth Work Trainers Guild, the community of trainers working in international youth work field. The conference / workshop is a multiplier event of the long-term strategic partnership project “YouTrain”. The project unites four organisations: coobra – cooperativa braccianti (Austria), Ha Moment (Portugal), Euromove (the Netherlands), and the International Youth Work Trainers Guild (Germany / Europe-wide). Funding is provided by the Austrian National Agency for ERASMUS+ under the “ERASMUS+ Key Action 2 - Strategic Partnerships in the field of education, training and youth” granting scheme. If you have questions, contact us at Registration deadline is 13.09.2019 here Please share this invitation with anyone who you think might be interested. We are looking forward meeting you at the event! Best regards, IYTW Guild Team
  • T4F | AG Klimaverträge
  • Mariam Jishkariani
  • Academy of Innovation
  • Rafael Rivero