We the team of WECHANGE, are expressing our regrets and concerns over the current situation in the Islamic Republic of Iran. As you are reading this statement, Iranian people – inhabitants of Teheran, Isfahan, Shiraz, Tebriz, and many other cities of the Republic – are endangered and threatened by their own police, army, guard corps and their very state.
On September 13th the 22-year-old woman, Mahsa Amin, was arrested by morality police officers for allegedly violating the strict law requiring women to cover their hair with a hijab (headscarf). She collapsed after being taken into custody to be “educated” and died in hospital following three days in a coma.
After her funeral the anti-government protests have spread to more than 80 cities and towns across Iran. The Iranian authorities answered with bullets, blood and violence.
We support the demands of the Iranian people to have their rights, democracy and freedom back. We especially support Iranian women who have been suppressed by the non-democratic law of the Republic for too long. We demand to stop the bloodshed and violence towards the people of Iran.
Bild: Sima Ghaffazardeh auf pexels.com