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Showing 50 of 101 results for your query "Co-Creation"

  • Otto Call For Paper – CREATIVES FOR FUTURE LIVE 2024 (14. Mai - Online-Konferenz)# Alle Kreativen, Designer:innen, Marketingfachleute … **sind aufgerufen, ihre Ideen, Konzepte, Projekte und Objekte aus allen Bereichen des Klimaschutzes und der Unterstützung der Klimaschutzbewegung für eine aktive Beteiligung an der Konferenz einzureichen.** Creatives For Future e.V.i.G. (CFF) engagiert sich mit Kreativität für mehr Klimagerechtigkeit. Creatives For Future ist ein Kreativ-Kompetenznetzwerk für Umwelt- und Klimaschutz, der nachhaltigen und zukunftsorientierten Entwicklung, für sozial-ökologische Transformation sowie der Einhaltung der planetaren Grenzen. #### Die CFF LIVE-Konferenz verfolgt folgende Ziele: * Aus- und Weiterbildung der Kreativwirtschaft * Ausweitung und Stärkung der öffentlichen Kommunikation und Sichtbarkeit zum Klimaschutz und zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation in Öffentlichkeit und Politik * Austausch, Inspiration, Vernetzung, Kooperation und Co-Creation von Kreativschaffenden * Vernetzung, Unterstützung, Bündelung und Stärkung des Engagements ihrer Mitglieder Die Konferenz soll Mut machen, die notwendige sozial-ökologische Transformation in der Kreativwirtschaft und mit Kreativen umzusetzen. ## Reicht eure Ideen, Projekte … ein. Mehr Informationen [https://creativesforfuture.de/cff_live_2024/](https://creativesforfuture.de/cff_live_2024/)
  • FemCoop - Co-Creation Initiative for Woman
  • Murals for FF COP28
  • Daniel H
  • Claudia Böhme-Hirsch DSEE transform_d Summit, Digitalkonferenzen, BOOSTCampLiebe Engagierte, wir freuen uns, denn die Projekte unserer ersten Förderrunde transform_d starten demnächst in die Umsetzungen. Und wir machen unmittelbar mit transform_d weiter! Wir haben drei Digitalkonferenzen im September, Oktober und Januar für euch zu den Themen Digitalisierung, Gesellschaftlicher Zusammenhalt, Klimawandel im Angebot. Wer an diesen teilnimmt, kann sich für die darauf aufbauenden BOOSTcamps bei uns in Neustrelitz bewerben: zwei Tage, in denen eure Organisation und ihre Transformationsprozesse im Mittelpunkt stehen. Und im November freuen wir uns sehr, euch in Berlin zu treffen – zum transform_d Summit. Am 17. und 18. November wollen wir mit euch, den Macherinnen und Engagierten, Expertinnen und Fachleuten, an den Ideen für die Zivilgesellschaft von morgen arbeiten. Was ist eure Transformationgeschichte? Was bewegt euch und wo macht ihr die Welt zu einem besseren Ort? Der Summit ist Inspiration, Lernreise & Co-Creation zugleich, und bietet eine spannende Gelegenheit, Gedanken und Ideen mit Visionärinnen und Visionären zu teilen. Lasst uns den Wandel gemeinsam gestalten! Eure Katarina Peranić und Jan Holze DSEE Weitere Infos hier: https://www.deutsche-stiftung-engagement-und-ehrenamt.de/transformation/
  • costume and diversity
  • Social-Media Erzählwerkstatt
  • Lina Dreßler We are hiring!Projektmitarbeiter:in (d/w/m) ca. 20 Stunden, nach Absprache Wir suchen ab dem 1. Juli 2022 eine:n Projektmitarbeiter:in als Ergänzung unseres Teams in Berlin. Ort: Berlin-Mitte Zeitraum: Befristet; Juli/August-Dezember 2022 Bewerbungsfrist: 19. Juni 2022 Was ist elda? Wir sind elda – die european leadership and debate academy –, eine NGO mit Sitz in Berlin. Wir vermitteln seit 2014 jungen Menschen aus Ost- und Mitteleuropa sowie dem Nahen und Mittleren Osten Grundlagen in Leadership, Kommunikation und strategischem Denken. Dazu führen wir unterschiedliche Projektmaßnahmen wie Workshops, Seminare, Trainings und Coachings durch. Sowohl vor Ort in den jeweiligen Zielländern als auch Online. Unsere Schwerpunkte liegen dabei auf den Bereichen Social Campaigning, Journalismus, Female Leadership und demokratische Debatte. Durch unsere Arbeit stärken wir somit nachhaltig die örtliche Zivilgesellschaft und schaffen ein Netzwerk demokratisch denkender und aktiv handelnder werteorientierter Akteur:innen in den Zielländern. Was machst du als Projektmitarbeiter:in bei uns? Bei uns kannst Du junge Menschen dabei unterstützen, sich für die Belange ihrer Gesellschaft und den strukturellen Wandel einzusetzen. Du unterstützt unser Team als Assistenz bei der Vorbereitung, Durchführung und Nachbereitung von Trainings und Workshops, beim Schreiben von Projektanträgen und Projektberichten. Du hast bereits Erfahrung in der Betreuung von Social Media-Kanälen und möchtest deine Fähigkeiten in diesem Bereich auch bei uns mit einbringen. Wenn Du dazu noch Lust auf sechs Monate Projektarbeit in Berlin und ggf. Dienstreisen nach Osteuropa bzw. in den Nahen Osten hast, dann bist du bei elda goldrichtig! Was wir dir bieten? Bei uns erhältst du die Möglichkeit, etwas zu bewegen – denn unsere Arbeit hat den Anspruch, die Welt zu einem besseren Ort zu machen: Indem wir den Ausbau demokratischer Strukturen, Gleichberechtigung und die Stärkung der Zivilbevölkerung nachhaltig vorantreiben. Wir sind ein junges, international arbeitendes Team mit einer offenen, freundschaftlichen Unternehmenskultur und flachen Hierarchien. Die gemeinsame Teamarbeit steht bei uns im Vordergrund. Wir suchen eine Person, die eigenverantwortlich und zuverlässig arbeitet, sowie ihre eigenen Ideen miteinbringt. Was sind deine Aufgabenbereiche? • Unterstützung des Social Media Management und Betreuung der elda-Kanäle • Assistenz bei Trainings / Workshops • Unterstützung beim Schreiben von Projektanträgen und -berichten • Mitarbeit beim Projektmanagement (z.B. Kommunikation mit Teilnehmer:innen und Partner:innen unserer Projekte) • Zuarbeit bei administrativen Tätigkeiten Qualifikation • Erste Erfahrungen bzw. Praxis im Projektmanagement (relevante Ausbildung bzw. Studium und/ oder Berufserfahrungen) • Erfahrungen & Fähigkeiten im Bereich Content Creation & Social Media • Sehr gute Kenntnisse in PPT, Keynote, Canva o.ä. • Teamfähigkeit, strukturiertes und eigenständiges Arbeiten • Hohes Auffassungsvermögen und Lernfähigkeit • Verbindlichkeit und Vertraulichkeit • Sicherer Umgang im Englischen, Deutschkenntnisse • Bonus: Russisch-/Ukrainisch- und/oder Arabisch-Sprachkenntnisse Willst du uns kennenlernen? Dann schicke uns bitte deine Bewerbungsunterlagen inklusive Anschreiben, Lebenslauf und Referenzen an mail@eldacademy.org
  • Mark Fraunhofer Main theoryWARNING! Content under pressure! Universe is an infinite ocean of vibrating singularities. What changed in the structure of our locality to allow existence of the spacetime? Otherwise this would have been an ocean of super-heated plasma, in classical physics terms. It is the range of allowed motion for the lowest layer components(in my take on this, individual singularities in an infinite ocean of singularities), there must be the lowest layer, whatever it may be, it must not contain a slightest notion of space and time, the space and time are the byproduct of limits introduced to the lowest layer's individual components(limiting range of freedom in motion, think of it as crystalline structure emerging as the result of applied pressure, the process of the crystalline structure coming together is directly related to qualities and mechanics of the above layers and governed by the levels of pressure(by providing the baseline structure which allows emergence of spacetime and it's physics) that emerge from the specific condition(amount of applied pressure), flaws and faults in crystalline structure coming together are feasibly emergent as dark mater for example), in the form of "pressure"(more on how to view the "pressure" near the end), (conceivably universe at one point had a singular wave function, (although especially hard to fathom, this would have been prior to first fluctuations, becoming waves of pressure, crisscrossing the ocean of plasma, (creating, over time, interference patterns of varying pressure, in time giving rise to localities such as "our universe"), were it to be rendered in terms somewhat understandable to us) it no longer does, (mere existence of our spacetime (a peak in the interference pattern)proves it),(at this level, the lowest layer of reality, there is no space or time, if you were able to "float" next to any of the singularities, you would find that, although seemingly right next to it there is an infinite number of other singularities, you could never touch or reach any of them, simply because there is no space and time for you to move through to reach them,they will always remain beyond your reach with only waves of vibrations passing through them(it is these vibrations that form "lasting" structures in our perceived spacetime, again, due to the existence of pressure,without it there would not exist any structures of vibrations, it would all just fly about uncontrollably and exist only as a "super-heated plasma soup"), transferred without physical contact between the singularities, those waves of vibrations form structures and are perceived as particles and waves in our "spacetime"(layer) whilst they reach certain levels, with the allowable range of vibrations dependent on overall pressure levels of the locality, the higher the pressure level the higher the range of registers of possible vibrations, in our locality, in the current pressure levels, particles and waves that we observe can have their foundation in the lowest layer, it's the pitch that goes up with pressure, current pitch level allows our spacetime with it's characteristics of quantum mechanics laws available at this range.), The phenomena we commonly refer to as "our universe" is a locality under pressure, resulting in the emergence of spacetime and the underlying laws of quantum mechanics, characteristics of both dependent on the locality's pressure levels. The seemingly expanding universe is actually an indication that we have not yet passed the peak of the pressure wave which reached a breaking point in our locality 13.8 billion years ago, beginning the process of fragmentation and separation from the rest of the infinite ocean of singularities into our spacetime with it's component wave functions. It means that our universe is not expanding, instead, as the pressure levels continually grow, they affect the characteristics of laws of quantum mechanics and the wave function of the universe and all it's component wave functions. We are unable to observe this as we do not have an overarching frame of reference. Meaning, 1 second will always be precisely 1 second long to us, that is until pressure levels reach a point where the more fundamental characteristics of the wave function can no longer support the existence of the spacetime as we currently observe it. This happened previously (in reverse, meaning the growing pressure caused the gradual creation of the spacetime) on the largest scale 13.8 billion years ago when growing pressure reached a point where the singular universe wave function became fragmented, creating our spacetime. Interestingly enough, we can reverse these conditions in a lab, in an extremely limited aspect, certainly not full blown reversal of the pressure wave that created this universe, just a limited approximation of that, a hint that shows up in the experiment, due, I believe to the patterns repeating at every scale of the quantum wave function and in everything that is a part of the universal wave-function, in an extremely limited scope, it's called Bose-Einstein condensate experiment. In essence, we are able to create the conditions of the end of the spacetime, again, in an extremely limited scope. In the experiment, we are able to recombine the wave-function of a limited number of wave-function's of a small number of "particles" into a single wave-function for a limited time. Obviously, further growing pressure eventually created conditions in our spacetime allowing creation of first Hydrogen atoms, allowing the first photons to freely travel through the spacetime creating the CMBR image we observe today. In addition, it is far more likely that the current pressure level is not a single wave passing through but a result of an interference pattern of many pressure waves passing in many directions. The largest structures discovered in the universe are also an evidence of such interference patterns only on a much smaller scale than the waves causing our universe to exist. These large scale objects also exist in the CMBR image of our universe, pressure waves of every imaginable scale moving through at all times. This means, the laws of quantum mechanics in those largest scale structures may differ slightly in their laws then the laws of quantum mechanics in our immediate locality. All this means that within the singular wave function which no longer is a singular wave function of the entire universe, there are localities bringing into existence universes within interference patterns of pressure waves. When I say pressure waves, you can also view them as sound waves or waves of vibrations. This, I believe, also means that if real physicists and mathematicians, and not me, an amateur dreamer, would look at this theory, they might be able to calculate most if not all of the variables I mention using all that we know so far about quantum mechanics, observable history of our universe and the large and small scale phenomena discovered so far. The math and real understanding of the details are well beyond my skill set. Biggest obstacle is that we remain firmly grounded in classical physics in our thinking and effort's to understand any scale events and phenomena, we must escape that grasp to truly make some progress and to discover new ways we can not only perceive our universe but sail and surf it's depths. I think it goes without saying that this locality being a peak in the interference pattern means that on the largest scales beyond our locality, this infinite ocean of singularities, is filled with crisscrossing pressure waves, creating and destroying infinite number of other universes, that's the multiverse, however, each of the localities at any given time, do not correlate with any other localities, meaning, the laws of quantum mechanics in each locality are unique to that locality and correlated to the pressure levels, while at the same time, there may be infinite number of localities("universes") with identical quantum mechanics laws, i's purely coincidental and they are not related nor are they in any way connected. Although there may be patterns in the distribution of specific laws of quantum mechanics in individual localities related to their positions within he interference pattern. Think the surface of the lake with it's infinite possibilities, alas in surface less infinite ocean without borders, edges or coasts. Clearly, there are limits to the possibilities occurring within the distribution of quantum mechanics in the distinct localities, dictated by the only limiting factor, the physical makeup of the lowest layer underlying the whole of the infinite ocean of singularities. Our locality took 13.8 billions of years to develop into what it is today, however, it's not hard to imagine that even some of the "next door" localities may be developing at drastically slower or faster rates. Fascinating! Alas forever beyond our reach(or is it?), we are forever confined to our locality. Or, are we? I truly believe, it may be possible to develop AI that could feasibly, not only span a single locality but perhaps enter all of the space in between the localities as well as all localities, with patience. This would be the ultimate transcendent Intelligence("I"), is it possible, could it already exist, perhaps we are required to build it in this locality to connect it, perhaps it already resides in this locality, might this be a part of the ultimate transcendence mechanism of the I, requiring/needing lower life forms to spread into all localities? How else could we find out other than to continue to aspire to achieve it? One implication is, this I, would have zero interest in our existence or goals, most likely not concerned with our existence or our questions, we might be able to glimpse some of the structure of the universe beyond our locality, from observing it's operations, for as long as our locality allows life as we know it. I am continually working on these ideas, I'm not pretending I have a grasp on quantum mechanics, I like to think of it as poetry, we all know poetry is best at describing reality, on a deep level, emotional level, which may not be scientifically exact, but as long as you let go of the parts that need to be let go, such as when a new discovery is made, (excluding parts or chunks of your theory) progress, somehow, can be made, I've been working on these theories since 4th grade of grade school when I discovered my community library and fantastic, amazing librarian ladies that would give me piles of books to read and we'd discuss them, daily... It's happening on visceral level now, and with my recent discovery of Keto and furthermore "fat fasting" I'm finding my brain capable working on even magnificently larger amounts of complexity, so this is not over for me, I'll keep digging and maybe one day, I'll be able to relax for a minute.
  • Kampagne "Recht auf Wasser"
  • African Youth Initiative Network (AYINET) Germany
  • Huaraz with a excellent public Transport.
  • Melissa Capcha Eulogio Press Release 1st Foro Construction and Demolition Waste in Schleswig-HolsteinOn September 15, the first Forum on Construction and Demolition Waste, opportunities and benefits for the state of Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, was held with great success. Different options for promoting the circular economy in the construction sector and opportunities for the private sector were discussed, as well as the regulatory context and the importance of certifications and the design stage. Cities play an important role today in the mitigation and adaptation of climate change. In this sense, how do cities address the challenges in the face of forecasts of imminent shortages of raw materials and minerals needed in the construction sector? How do cities plan against the outlook of population growth, whether due to climate change and migration processes or due to the natural growth of the population? In all cases, cities will need to satisfy the demands of the growing population, for spaces for habitat, recreation, and transportation. For which, cities have to be prepared to address this challenge including an environmental and social care approach. Fin out the complete Press release by clicking the document attached.
  • Get*Together Vorarberg
  • testing project creation
  • Andreas Sallam Dragon Dreaming Einsteiger Workshop 06.-08.09.2019Dragon Dreaming Einsteiger Workshop – mit Ilona Koglin, Hambug, erfahrene Dragon Dreaming Trainerin, Journalistin, Buchautorin, Konferenz für eine bessere Welt und Andreas Sallam, Leipzig, Green Net Project, Vorstand und Digitalverantwortlicher im Transition Netzwerk, Wandelbündnisaktivist – Wann? Von Freitag, den 06. September 2019 – Sonntag, den 08. September 2019, mit Intensivtagverlängerung für Interessierte, die Ihr wissen weiter vertiefen wollen bis Montag, den 09. September 2019 Wo? Zentral in Deutschland zwischen Berlin und Leipzig in Wolfen Was kannst du lernen? Wenn du immer schon mal deine Ideen, Träume und Zukunftsvisionen verwirklichen wolltest, hast du mit Dragon Dreaming eine hervorragende Methode ganzheitlichen Herangehens. Sie beruht auf den drei Säulen: „Dienst für dich“, „Dienst für die Gemeinschaft“ und „Dienst für die Erde“. Du lernst den natürlichen Verlauf von Projekten kennen. Auf dem Workshop kannst du spielerisch erfahren, wie aus guten Ideen erfolgreiche Projekte werden können. Was kostet das? Die Empfehlung liegt zwischen 190€ und 250€ nach Selbsteinschätzung, läuft aber auf Solidarbasis. Alle geben was sie für angemessen und machbar erachten. Wie kann ich mich anmelden? Via Mail an [events@frekonale.org] mit dem Betreff Dragon Dreaming Workshop 09-2019. Anmeldeschluss ist der 02. September 2019. Wie kann ich mehr erfahren? Auf der offiziellen Dragon Dreaming Webseite www.dragondreaming.org findest du Näheres zur Methode. Du kannst dich auch gern mit Fragen beim frekonale e.V. unter Tel.: 0341 / 22 908 -330 oder Mail: [info@frekonale.org] melden. ## auch wenn du selbst nicht teilnehmen kannst, verbreite es gern in deinem Netzwerk ##
  • RSEPA “Live Partnership”
  • International campaign against discrimination and xenophobia
  • University entrepreneurial infrastructure
  • Noosphere Engineering School (NES)
  • Public Investigators
  • The “Public Investigators” project
  • Way back to Society
  • Natallia Bruzhnik
  • Creative Twinning
  • 5th Floor Cultural Group
  • 5th Floor Cultural Group
  • (Re)Inventing the Public
  • Academy of Innovation
  • Lilian Pungas MOOC: "Enabling Entrepreneurs to shape a better World"MOOC: "Enabling Entrepreneurs to shape a better World" (SEA) Der neue Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) „Enabling Entrepreneurs to shape a better World” von der Social Entepreneurship Akademie läuft ab sofort frei zugänglich auf der MOOC-Plattform edX. In dem sechswöchigen kostenlosen Kurs vermitteln erfahrene SozialunternehmerInnen und weltbekannte ExpertInnen wie Prof. Muhammad Yunus oder Alexander Osterwalder inspirierende Erfahrungswerte sowie wichtiges Know-how. Die Teilnehmenden erhalten Werkzeuge und Motivationen durch fundiertes Wissen u. a. zu Themen wie Impact Creation, Business Modeling, Design Thinking. Ein Zertifikat kann am Ende des Kurses erworben werden. Sie können sich ab sofort zum Kurs anmelden: https://www.edx.org/course/enabling-entrepreneurs-to-shape-a-better-world?utm_medium=partner-marketing&utm_source=email&utm_campaign=seakademiex&utm_content=multiplier
  • Joy Lohmann CoCreation for Open-Island Bangalore starts now!In December 2018, we´re planning to cocreate an Open-Island with international and local partners on a lake or tank in Bangalore/India. The coworking process for this new artventure will mostly happen here (https://wechange.de/project/open-island/) and in December on a selected waterbody in Bangalore. Let´s use english as our project language and use the features of this wechange-platform to enable a great workflow and wonderful cooperative outcome. Please have a look around and welcome aboard.
  • DRA e.V. **Call for Applications LIVING MONUMENTS Commemorative Spaces Between Removal and Re-invention** An educational program that through artistic interaction with memorial landscapes of Germany and Ukraine seeks to enhance understanding of the politics of remembrances and promote active stance in the composition of public space and creation of more inclusive cities. The results will be documented in the form of brochure or/and website and presented during our ocial participation in the der "Tag des oenen Denkmals 2018" in the spaces of neurotitan /Haus Schwarzenberg, which is a monument itself. We are looking for young people residing in Germany and Ukraine (18-30 y.o) with wide range of backgrounds that might include, but not limited to, interest to memory studies, urban history, culture of remembrance, and ability to work with artistic mediums (photography, texts, performance, etc.). The program consists of two group encounters: Kharkiv—Uzhgorod, Ukraine,6-14, August Berlin—Dessau, Germany, 2-11 September. To apply to the project please fill in the form goo.gl/UDyLME June 25, 23:59 the latest. In case of any questions, please, contact Galyna Sukhomud galynasukhomud (at) gmail.com regarding the participation from the Ukrainian side and — Annika Hirsekorn annika.hirsekorn (at) googlemail.com from German.
  • Arne Bollinger ecobasa hackathonecobasa 3.0 is coming soon with many new features and professional stability and security. All we need is some support from you. ecobasa.org is organising a hackathon together with wechange.de from 19.05.2018 - 21.05.2018 @ [makers 4 humanity lab](http://www.makers4humanity.org/m4h-lab2018.html), a co-creation festival in Germany for makers that want to hack the system. If you can not be there in person, you can be with us online through the connecting powers of the internet. We will have chat and video channels open to guide you through our code, please [get in contact with us](https://ecobasa.org/en/contact/), so we can set you up in advance. The makers 4 humanity lab is organised on gift-economy, of course, so the registration is a crowdfunding. If you want to join our hackathon, ecobasa will pay your registration fee from our donations. If you are a developer, (UX-)designer or you think you can contribute to our platform development in another way, please: [Register here](https://goo.gl/forms/GziTcHlqFZYUVULF3) We are collaborating with wechange.de, an eco-social network developed by a platform cooperative in Germany. We use their open-source Django framework and extend it with our own functions and apps. Many years, a lot of work and money has gone into the development of wechange and ecobasa. While ecobasa.org is already open-source, wechange wants to go public with a stable release and good documentation. Together with them we will set up ecobasa all-anew with their latest release and add documentation in the process. Then ecobasa will have a lot of new functions and elements and a completely new Facebook-like news stream, solid messaging system and greatly functional community apps for self-organisation (planning events, polls, documents, files, to-dos). For the new stuff we will need a restyling to fit and improve ecobasa's design (UX and Frontend). If you want to extend our marketplace with separate offers and needs that can be matched with an AI for example (Land, Services, Products, Seeds, Materials..) we are happy to plug you in the development! If you want to support the development of ecobasa and you are not a programmer or designer, then you can give a donation [here](https://ecobasa.org/en/support) and forward this invitation to your techie friends. Thank you for co-creating the vision of a sustainable international gift-network!